Les Rencontres Flotauto Paris 2025


Do you need advice on employment law, taxation, car-sharing or electromobility?  

Take advantage of a free consultation with one of our experts and get the first elements of answers to make the right decisions.
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Among our areas of expertise

Our experts

Founding partner

Arnaud Perrin

Arnaud Perrin is an expert in car fleets and mobility. Ressource Consulting, which he set up in 2009, works with companies and institutions on all the key aspects of this issue: economic, environmental, HR and organisational. And there are many questions to be answered, including how to successfully electrify fleets while taking account of usage, how to control the budget in a period of high inflation, how to define a catalogue that is acceptable to both drivers and their employers, how to identify and implement alternative mobility solutions, how to choose a management tool and/or a 'fleeter', and how to avoid the URSSAF risks associated with benefits in kind. Arnaud supports his clients in all these areas as an 'independent operational advisor'.


I Car policy
I Geolocation
I Sustainable mobility package
I Driver's license and employment contract: verification and withdrawal of points, loss of license, traffic violations, drunk driving, etc.
I Company car: terms and conditions of granting and use


Nicolas Durand-Gasselin

Nicolas Durand-Gasselin has been an attorney for over 20 years. He is an associate within the firm TNDA Avocats. This firm specialized in social law is often contacted for complex and sensitive cases as well as for high-risk litigation, specifically in terms of discrimination, reorganizations and occupational health.


I TCO: actual vs. theoretical TCO, optimization, decrease, stabilization...
I Regulations, taxation and benefits in kind: NEA, NDA, VAT, TVS, Bonus/Malus, LOM law...
I Car and mobility policy: car/mobility policies and uses, integration of new mobilities, MAAS, purchase of French vehicles, car policy, CSR...
I Fleet management: diagnosis and management tools.
I Fleet electrification: choice of engines according to use, key factors for electrifying the fleet, organization of EV and PHEV charging.
I Company vehicles vs. service vehicles: what is the difference?
I Organisation: fleet management tools, outsourced fleet management, RACI...


Yoann Magaut

Mobileo Consulting supports companies in transforming their mobility policy, in areas such as: changes to mobility policy (eligibility rules, cars and SUVs, etc.), fleet greening (analysis of usage, deployment of recharging policy, change management, etc.), catalogue construction (AO service providers, TCO reconstitution, etc.), etc.
Its founder, Yoann, has been working for over 20 years on functions related to vehicle fleets, and all the issues revolving around them, such as leasing, associated services, fleet management, cost optimisation, energy transition, new mobility, driver behaviour, updating of new processes, integration of outsourced fleet management solutions.

Yoann Magaut is a speaker and trainer at IMVE (Institut de Management du Véhicule d'Entreprise) on the subject of greening the fleet.


I Regulations, legislative, fiscal and environmental developments: LOM, Climate and Resilience Act, taxation (bonus/malus, taxes, NEA, etc.)
I Mapping usage: definition of driver usage (business, private), parking location, motivations, etc.
I Transformation of mobility policy and vehicle fleet: overhaul of mobility policy in line with usage and expectations, introduction of new mobility solutions, definition of eligibility rules, etc.
I Fleet energy transition: analysis of usage, recharging policy, change management for organisations and drivers, etc.
I Fleet monitoring: KPI monitoring, deployment of tools, etc.